We’ve been a bit quiet over the last six months - we’ve been hard at work upgrading our backend software, updating our payment process to comply with the new EU VAT rules, and improving our resilience to DDoS attacks. Finally we have a new feature to release: log downloads.
All users can now download their logs from IRCCloud, starting from the day you signed up. On the web site, click “Download Logs” in the “Options” menu of any channel, and you can choose to download the logs for the current channel, network, or all your logs. It may take an hour or so to assemble all your data and package it as a handy zip file, so you’ll get an email when your logs are ready to download.
Logs are exported in plaintext files, similar to those produced by other IRC clients, but we’re interested in adding other formats in the future.
We’re still working on indexing our massive volume of logs so that you can easily search them from within IRCCloud, as well as a few other features which we should be releasing soon.